Sure Sweep Walk Behind Sweeper S800

Performs efficiently Impact and weather-resistant housing Large collection bin Step-climbing ability due to rear running wheels Space-saving folding handle bar Height-adjustable main broom and side brushes
Performs efficiently Impact and weather-resistant housing Large collection bin Step-climbing ability due to rear running wheels Space-saving folding handle bar Height-adjustable main broom and side brushes
For complete holistic warehouse solutions Lencrow Materials Handling offer a range of new and used sweepers and scrubbers. The range varies from simple walk behind manual sweepers’ right up to fully enclosed ride on operated units with debris catchers. If you need to maintain a small or large workshop or warehouse space, whether it is indoors or outdoors look at the products available to find the cleaning equipment most suited to your business. Maximise safety and optimize presentation with an efficient cleaning solution. All units have different brushes and broom cylinders available to suit the different floor surfaces to ensure your areas remain protected and WHS compliant. More information is available by clicking on each product below. Feel free to call us or place an online enquiry to discuss your needs with one of our materials handling consultants in your area.
Pedestrian Sweepers - Pedestrian Sweepers are best used in small areas between storage racking, walkways and corridors. Pedestrian sweepers are available in a manual self-powered & power assisted and includes a motorised fan to assist with dust extraction.
Compact Ride on Sweepers - Compact Ride on Sweepers available in LPG/Petrol or battery electric models and are suitable for small to medium size areas for indoor and outdoor use such as small to medium warehouses and carpark areas.
Compact Scrubbers - Compact scrubbers are available in LPG/Petrol or battery electric ride on models. Ideally used for small to medium areas that have been already swept clean and require the floor to be washed or scrubbed to remove dirt firm foot traffic or liquid spills.
Industrial/Commercial Sweepers - Industrial Sweepers are available in LPG/Petrol or battery electric ride on models. Most suitable for large areas and can be used indoors and outdoors.